10 Historical Extinct Animals: A Glimpse into the Past
The dodo was a flightless bird native to Mauritius. It became extinct in the late 17th century.
Woolly Mammoth:
Woolly mammoths were large, hairy elephants that roamed the Northern Hemisphere during the Pleistocene epoch.
The quagga was a subspecies of the plains zebra, characterized by a unique coat pattern.
Tasmanian Tiger:
The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, was a carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania.
Great Auk:
The great auk was a large, flightless bird that inhabited the North Atlantic.
Sabre-toothed Cat:
Sabre-toothed cats, such as Smilodon, were large carnivorous mammals with distinctive, elongated canine teeth.
Irish Elk:
The Irish elk was a massive deer species with impressive antlers. It became extinct around 7,700 years ago.
Steller's Sea Cow:
Steller's sea cow was a large marine mammal that lived in the North Pacific.
Often referred to as the Tasmanian tiger, the thylacine was a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and Tasmania.
Moa were large flightless birds native to New Zealand. The extinction of moa occurred around the 15th century.
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